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Morning Meditation Group

  • Cloverdale Multipurpose Senior Center 311 North Main Street Cloverdale, CA, 95425 United States (map)

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:45-9:45 AM

Activity Fee: $7 Members, $10 Guests

Meditation leader, William Cordingley

Wear comfortable clothing and bring your own bottle of water, be ready to explore your inner self, and decompress daily pressures.

About our leader: He has been on a spiritual path for 50 years, with the last 20 being some of the most intense and fruitful.

As someone who loves to teach and enjoys sharing what he has learned with anyone interested, William has taught numerous classes on meditation, manifesting, and living a more fulfilling and empowered life.

He and his wife Pam and daughter Christina moved to Cloverdale from Marin four years ago. Beyond his passion for spirituality, he has various interests and experiences. He was self-employed as a marketing copywriter until his retirement a few years ago. He also found an agent and published a book about uncovering people’s personality traits from facial features. He’s been a public speaker. And he is a former mayor and town councilman.


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