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The Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center is a 501c3 qualified non-profit, and we can provide tax receipts for your generous support.
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Consider A Legacy Gift
Legacy Giving keeps giving into the future, ensuring our Center’s survival for the next generations.
Memories fade, time passes, people forget. However, you have an opportunity for your name to live on when you make a Legacy Gift to the Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center. A Legacy Gift means you have written the Center into your will or trust, named the Center as a beneficiary of an IRA or Insurance Policy, or donated gifts of Stock or Real Estate to help build the Center’s Endowment Program.
With a healthy Endowment, the Center can live on, in your name, to provide the kind of support that seniors now enjoy. With a secure Endowment, operational costs will be covered now and into the future from the interest of your gift, combined with others.
How would you like to be remembered when you are no longer here?
We know including your family, faith community, school, or university in your estate plan can be significant. Adding the Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center, after you have considered them, is one way a broader community can remember you.
Allocating a percentage of your estate to the Center, even if only a small percent could ensure the Center is here for decades to come. Think of it this way, would you want your children to have the benefits of the Center when they are older? Imagine them stepping into the Center as a senior themselves to take part in the lunches, attend a class, meet with friends over a card game or TED talk, and there is YOUR name listed on the donor wall acknowledging your Legacy gift. What pride they will have in you and that you were a part of strengthening the Center when it needed help to continue.
What values do you want to pass on, and to whom?
Not at all. The time you take now to consider and plan will be empowering to you. Knowing you are doing something meaningful and lasting, not just for you, but for thousands of others to follow is powerful. There are simple ways to make this happen without affecting your cash flow during your lifetime.
Is it complicated to create a Legacy Gift?
Gifts by Will or Living Trust
It’s easy to include language in your will or trust to let your wishes be known, if you have any questions or would like a free consultation contact our Administrative Manager, Anthony Ramirez at (707) 894-4826 or Email.
Gifts of Retirement Plans
It is simple to name the Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center as a beneficiary. As a qualified non-profit, we would not have to pay income tax on the distribution.
Gifts of Appreciated Stock
Once you make a gift of appreciated securities or stock to the Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center, the IRS will allow you one of its most significant tax breaks.
Gifts of Life Insurance
You can create a significant endowment for the Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center without dipping into your capital. It’s straightforward to change the beneficiary of a Life Insurance Policy you no longer need. You can even take out a policy in the Center’s name!
Gifts in Real Estate
Make a substantial gift to Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center through a transfer of a residential, commercial, or undeveloped real estate.
Legacy Gift Options
Contact us.
We would be happy to set up a time to talk about your planned giving options