Our Center is powered by volunteers.
Join us today!
Volunteers keep us going and are a blessing to our Center and our Community, consider how you would like to help.
Contacting Melanie about volunteering does not immediately require you to volunteer. Our staff reaches out to people who have indicated they have a specific (or maybe no specific) desire to volunteer when a need arises. This keeps the volunteer teams organized and efficient making for an easier environment in which to work. The Program Manager supervises volunteers and ensures that volunteers have been trained regarding the safety and privacy practices of the Cloverdale Senior Multipurpose Center as a matter of our policy.
Our Center endeavors to maintain the safety and security of all its members and volunteers while participating or attending activities at the Center.
CSMC Volunteer Opportunities
Reception: work at the front desk. Previous experience helpful but we will train you. Must be able to multi-task, answer phones, greet and help members check-in
RETIRED NURSES: take blood pressure on one Wednesday per month
Light maintenance: sweep parking lot and sidewalks as needed or once a month
Gardening: general gardening and weeding in our flower beds, “Secret Garden”, and Front Yard area
Help organize books and videotapes
Connect Program: Volunteer to make calls or write letters to isolated seniors in need of safe socialization
Instructors: Arts/Crafts, Writing, Music, Exercise, Dance, etc. Do you have a skill you could share or lead a group in doing?
Have something you’re passionate about? Contact the Center, there are always needs to be fulfilled!
Senior Lunch Program
Help with preparation for lunch
Prepare tables for lunch in the dining room
Clean up after lunch in the dining room and kitchen
Sweep and mop dining room
Creative Notions
Work in the Senior Center’s store! This little arts and crafts store in Cloverdale benefits the Senior Center. Shifts available Tuesday-Friday, 10:00-1:00 and 1:00-4:00.
Do you enjoy other crafters? This small retail space supports local crafters and their crafty needs.
Contact Melanie Hall (707) 894-4826 for more information about our Creative Notions store donations or volunteer information.