We offer Durable Medical Equipment to loan for individuals dealing with surgery, injury, or mobility issues.

How to Borrow?

  1. Call our office at (707) 894-4826 and ask if we have what you need in our inventory.

  2. If we have what you are looking for make an appointment to pick up the equipment

  3. Pick up and fill out an equipment loan form (it’s really simple)

    All items are sterilized before they are returned and wiped down again before being borrowed.

How to Return?

There is no pre-set amount of time you can borrow an item, we might call you in a few months to verify it is still in use and not sitting in the garage, but you can have equipment as long as you need it.

  1. Clean & sterilize all equipment

  2. Call our office and schedule a drop-off time

  3. Drop it off and sign it back in with our reception

How to Donate?

  1. Call our office to verify we have room in our storage space to take equipment in good working order

  2. Clean & sterilize all equipment before dropping it off

  3. Drop off at the time scheduled

What we offer

Not all items are always in stock these photos represent what we typically have in stock.

Please call our office to verify (707) 894-4826

Walker with 2 wheels

Walker with 2 wheels

Wheel Chairs

Wheel Chairs

Footed Cain

Footed Cain

Shower Bench

Shower Bench

Toilet Seat Riser

Toilet Seat Riser

Seated Walker (we don’t always have baskets available)

Seated Walker (we don’t always have baskets available)



Shower Chair

Shower Chair

Shower Bench - Wide

Shower Bench - Wide




We offer this program with the best of intentions. Please always check equipment and verify that it is in proper working order before you borrow. All equipment is to be sanitized and clean before being dropped off for donation or returned. Thank you!