Register for Emergency Notifications!
Cloverdale-specific Notifications
The Cloverdale Police Department has partnered with Nixle to upgrade and implement its Community Notification System to alert resident in real-time for localized emergency situations and relevant community advisories.
As a Cloverdale resident, its simple to register:
Text your Zip Code to 888777 from your mobile device
To receive messages in Spanish, text the letters ESP to 888777
Sign-up via the Nixle Widget
Once registered, residents will receive a confirmation text on their mobile device. Residents are encouraged to customize their alert settings by going to and creating a User Profile. While in the profile screen residents can select the option to receive community messages that are designed specifically for non-emergency activities taking place in the Cloverdale Community.
The service is secure, reliable and easy to use for our organization.
All Alerts will be targeted geographically, allowing residents to receive localized, relevant alerts from Cloverdale Police. Nixle Alerts can be sent via Text, Email, Web, and the Nixle Mobile App in an instant. Nixle is partnered with NLETS for unmatched data security, as well as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, the National Blue Alert Network, and Google for unmatched reach and two-way information exchange.
Please take a moment to sign up for SoCoAlert/CodeRED by creating a managed account. This will allow you to be notified by Sonoma County first responders in the event of emergency situations.
Any message regarding the safety, property or welfare of the community will be disseminated using the SoCoAlert system. These may include evacuation notifications, shelter-in-place orders, boil water advisories, tsunami warnings, and flood warnings.
A managed account will allow you to save and modify your existing notification settings and contact information. Click here to signup for SoCoAlert/CodeRED. For general questions about SoCo Alert, call 707-565-1369 or go to Need help with your account or to verify you are enrolled? Call 866-939-0911, ext 2.
Like all jurisdictions using CodeRED services, you may customize the types of notifications you receive and add an additional address for the CodeRED system to monitor:
Get local alerts when you need them
SoCoAlert keeps your information safe and secure
Your first responders will keep you informed of action you need to take
Free app for apple and android devices to alert you wherever you are
You choose your contact method: home, cell, work, email, text or all of them
SoCoAlert will never send you non-emergency messages